Pupil / Sport Premium

Sports premium at Lakeside School academic year 2019-20

Summary of spending

Total sports premium: £16319

£6523.50 : Stanborough Sports Partnership

£8,000: Sports Apprentice

Remaining £1795.50: Swimming Assistant

There is no underspend

Impact of spending

Full time Sports Apprentice from a company called “LetmePlay”: £8,000This has helped to provide support in PE lessons and enabled our young people to take part in inclusive sports events such as athletics, table top cricket and Boccia tournaments.

Contribution to full time salary of a swimming assistant: £8,340- This has meant that pupils have been able to attend more than one swimming session a week, an after school swimming club and a lunch time swimming club for vulnerable pupils.

(Stanborough sports partnership: This will no longer go ahead as the COVID19 risk reduction measures will not allow for this to happen for the foreseeable future.)

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022/2023
